Neurolens Glasses

What Is

Neurolens are the world’s first and only prescription lenses that add a contoured prism to bring the eyes into alignment and relieve pressure on the trigeminal nerve. The lenses are designed to relieve the symptoms of migraine, headaches, and other neurological disorders. Neurolens prescriptions are also used to improve vision clarity, reduce eyestrain, dry eye, and dizziness, as well as improve overall visual performance. They can be used by people with or without prescription eyeglasses from an eye doctor.

Developed specifically to reduce or eliminate eye misalignment at all distances, Neurolens is a new eye care solution and the only lens available that corrects the eyes from overcompensating during digital device use. The Neurolens® measurement test is completed quickly during your regular eye exam.

What are the Benefits of Neurolens?

Neurolens is a revolutionary technology that uses artificial intelligence to optimize visual performance. It has been developed to help athletes, gamers, and other individuals who require precise vision in order to perform at their best. Neurolens can analyze an individual’s visual data and provide tailored output which can be used to improve overall visual performance. The benefits of Neurolens are numerous: they can reduce digital eye strain, enhance depth perception and contrast sensitivity, reduce blurriness and glare, improve focus and concentration, reduce eye fatigue, and increase accuracy in targeting.

Additionally, Neurolens offers customizable settings for each individual user; this means that people with different levels of visual acuity can benefit from the same technology. It is also incredibly easy to use: users simply need to download the app and choose the desired settings. Neurolens is a revolutionary way for people to get the most out of their vision and make sure they stay sharp in any situation.

a woman having headache

What Eye Strain Symptoms
can Neurolenses relieve?

If the alignment in our eyes is off, the disparity between what is considered “comfortable” vision and “required” vision when we focus up close can cause painful symptoms. Whether it is from light sensitivity, digital eye strain, or even major events like car accidents, concussions, head injuries, whiplash and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), researchers have proven that the link between our brain and vision is significant.

Symptoms of eye misalignment such as the following can be greatly improved when properly diagnosed by an eyecare specialist:

  • headaches and migraines
  • neck pain and shoulder pain
  • eye strain
  • vertigo
  • nausea

How Do Neurolens Glasses Work
For Eye Misalignment?

While regular lenses use a standard prism shape, Neurolens is contoured, providing effortless eye alignment at all distances by gradually increasing the prism from distance to near. The contoured shape helps to alleviate the pressure on the trigeminal nerve connected to the brain as it attempts to correct misalignment in the eye. This helps to reduce the severity of headaches, eye fatigue, neck pain, and other symptoms that can be caused by trigeminal nerve misalignment. The contoured shape also helps to maintain a comfortable position for the eye, which can help to improve vision and the overall comfort of the patient.

glasses chart

How Are Neurolens Diagnosed?
Am I A Candidate For Neurolens?

The eye exam is simple. Using digital devices, we utilize breakthrough eye-tracking technology and the Neurolens Measurement Device to objectively and accurately measure the degree of eye misalignment. If an imbalance between the eyes is perceived, then personalized and customized lenses are prescribed. Neurolenses are offered in three types: single vision, computer/office, and progressives.

Single vision lenses are designed to provide correction for one distance, such as far away or near.

Computer/office lenses are designed specifically for computer and digital device use and offer a wider area of focus than single-vision lenses.

Progressive lenses offer a smooth transition from distance to near vision with no visible lines. They also provide clear vision at all distances, including intermediate.

A survey conducted with individual practitioners across the country focused on the post-60-days results of wearing Neurolens technology. The study showed that more than 80% of patients who wore Neurolens, with blue light filter coatings, found relief from their various digital eye strain symptoms.


View the video below to learn more about how Neurolenses can help.